Destiny 2 fashion Commendations to honour the Guardians with the best style are coming to the game sooner than expected, as Bungie announced players will see these Destiny 2 Commendations as an option in next week’s midseason Destiny 2 patch. According to an unnamed representative from the Player Identity Team in the FPS game, the feature was initially scheduled to launch with Destiny 2 season 21 but has been moved up to the Destiny 2 season 20 midseason patch next week due to high demand from Guardians.
“Back when we were first developing Commendations, we had a sneaky suspicion that a fashion-focused Commendation would be highly desired. As we continued into long-form playtesting, the need became even more obvious—but by then we were past the point of adding anything new to Season 20 and could only tweak and tune what we already had,” the blog post section, shared as part of the development studio’s This Week at Bungie blog post, says. The rep then adds that it was one of the first things they worked on for season 21.
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