Onoma Studios, previously known as Square Enix Montreal, is shutting down this week and some of its mobile titles will be going with it. Ahead of the studio’s last day on November 24, Onoma announced that Deus Ex Go, Hitman Sniper: The Shadows, Arena Battle Champions, and Space Invaders: Hidden Heroes will be shutting down for good on January 4.
The games will be taken off the App Store and Google Play Store as of December 1, and players who already have them downloaded will be able to continue playing until the games shut down for good on January 4. Players will no longer be able to make in-game purchases as of today, and Onoma encourages anyone who made previous purchases to make use of them before the games shut down in January.
— Onoma (@StudioOnoma) November 22, 2022
While it’s common for games to shut down servers or live support for older games, in this case the four titles in question will become completely unplayable as of January 4. The games include popular mobile puzzle game Deus Ex Go, as well as Hitman Sniper: The Shadows, a recent mobile title that released under a year ago.