Some destinations should come with travel advisories and Alaska is one of them, where a particular area dubbed the Alaskan Triangle has seen more than 16,000 disappearances in the last 35,000 years. Discussions of possible causes of these vanishings have included aliens, vortexes, bigfoot-like creatures, and glacial crevasses. While scientists wait for global warming to prove one of those theories, we’ll look into Coincidence? Four Crypto Billionaires Die In One Month , from causes that make conspiracy theorists sound like the ones in the know. Leaping from a fifth story window isn’t a typical way of ending it, nor is taking a fully clothed swim in a riptide. Is anyone checking the wills and insurance policies of these unfortunate, wildly wealthy decedents? Because it’s looking like money alone really does not buy happiness—or friends. (CM)
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