An interesting parallel between near-death experiences (NDE) and dreams from sleep labs has caught the notice of many researchers, in there are recurring motifs in NDEs and sleep lab dreams raising a couple of questions from Michelle Carr and her fellow researchers. Might science be affecting one’s oneiric landscape, or is the setting just not truly restful? Oneirology, or the study of dreams, is of grave importance considering The Life-Changing Effects Of Hallucinations. William Park isn’t just talking about chemically-induced hallucinations, but other varieties, and how these visions lay bare the inner workings of the mind and why they may be central to staying sane. Even self-induced hallucinations aren’t about ‘fooling oneself’ and the same may go with the placebo effect. Over at The Guardian Placebos Expert Kathryn T. Hall Talks About How The Effect Can Rival Painkillers Like Ibuprofen And Even Morphine. Seriously, morphine? Don’t be skeptical as there’s real science supporting her position on this enduring enigma. (CS)
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